Every business loves receiving good reviews, and if you own or manage a landscaping business, we are sure you are no different. Part of this is surely the fact that,  in the internet age, consumers go online to research products, services, and businesses before making their decision about what to buy or who to call, which was not necessarily the case twenty or more years ago.

As such, you will find that many decisions to pick up the phone and call a landscaping business will be heavily influenced by the reviews that potential client discovers online. If your landscaping business does not have reviews, then it is likely going to be at the back of the queue, while those who have them are the ones who will be receiving the bulk of new prospects.

One of the prime locations online where you want to be reviewed is Google. This will specifically be within your Google Business Profile which you should already have set up. If not, then ensure you take steps to remedy that as soon as you finish reading this article. Your Google Business Profile is essential if you want your landscaping website – like martincuthbert.com.au to be able to be found on Google, where prospective clients can read your online reviews.

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