Category: Plumbing

Home’s Plumbing

Time to Update your Home’s Plumbing

Unless you live in a fairly modern, recently built home, you probably won’t know a lot about how your plumbing system is getting on. Yes, it’s working, and you know a bit about certain parts, but not many homeowners know the status of their water system. If there seems to be a bit of trouble, this might indicate a system overhaul, and you may need to call a plumber to discuss the benefits of installing a new plumbing system.

The Signs that your Plumbing System needs to be Replaced

Home catastrophes are unpleasant surprises, so it might be a good idea to know what signs to look for before you are confronted with a burst pipe.

Colour of Your Water – If your water supply through the tap starts to look a bit reddish or rust coloured, it might indicate some corrosion in the older pipes. That’s not something that can be ignored as that may lead to a burst pipe, and then you are looking at emergency plumbing repairs rather than a planned installation. Foul smells can sometimes detect deteriorating pipes due to rust or mold.

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Good Office Plumbing

The Importance of Good Office Plumbing

Although you might not realise it at first, good office plumbing is essential if you’re starting a new business. There are numerous benefits associated with developing a strong, reliable plumbing system, especially if you’re working in an older building.

Now, it’s important to note with property maintenance that we always recommend using a professional plumber whenever you’re re-working your office plumbing systems. However, it can be hard to find the motivation to pay a plumber, especially if your drains seem to be working okay at the moment.

Because of this, we’ve put together a complete list of the reasons why strong plumbing is essential. Keep reading to find out more!

Good Plumbing Will Prevent Smells

If you’ve ever lived in an old house or worked in an office with poor drains, you will have noticed some awful smells from time to time. That’s almost certain, and unfortunately, it can be difficult to remove nasty odours from your drains once they have started.

Because of this, it’s important to ensure your office plumbing is in good condition from the beginning. Ensuring your drains are clear and free of blockages will prevent the build-up of foreign material, essentially eliminating the risk of bad smells.

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Plumbing – We All Need It

When Australia became a nation in 1901, most homes didn’t have indoor plumbing. Having a toilet inside the home was considered unsanitary to say the least. Today, 21st Century Australia enjoys hot and cold running water, indoor plumbing and a standard of hygiene that adds considerably to our quality of life. As vital as modern plumbing is, we still seem to resent having to call the plumber and pay the fees they charge. Often $80 for a call out and the first 15 minutes is about what most are charging, on average. In upscale suburbs it can be over the $100 mark just to have him park his white van in your driveway.

Yes, we are somewhat at their mercy because we need our plumbing to work and we take it so much for granted until it stops working. The other day we discovered out hot water tank’s relief valve drain pipe was no longer dripping water as it had for, admittedly, some months. Now it was flowing out. Time to take action! The replacement part cost $189.50 including GST and delivery and it was a fit it yourself affair. Or, we could have a plumber come and replace it for $225. We rang around and got a better quote of $190, fitted. Proof again were any needed of the value of not taking the first quote offered.

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